Airplane gay sex porn hub

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the bottom line is that the twinks of the 80s grew up and became those incredible built men before succumbing to AIDs. And the whole muscleman look was part of what came out of the AIDs crisis, in that the way the virus decimated the body and the look of health became the exaggerated overly muscular look that dominates gay porn. But Falcon being the most popular studio in the era you're claiming? Hardly. Falcon was basically ruined by Chi Chi LaRue and her gang of thugs that bullied Holmes as his health declined into making movies that he had no interest in making.

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Rutherford was, more or less, forced out (and just a fine point: you've confused Rutherford with Steven Scarborough, who left Falcon to launch Hot House because Holmes did not like the leathered/muscled look - and the focus on buttplay - that was Scarborough's cup of tea).

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