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She’s getting a lot of support for her response to Boebert.

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Related: Watch: Randy Rainbow Skewers Marjorie Taylor Greene & Lauren BoebertĬarter, who also played the president in Supergirl and is an accomplished singer (her latest recording is “Human and Divine”), uses her Twitter feed to speak out on a variety of social and political issues, such as gun regulations, attempts at book banning, and the insurrection of January 6, 2021. Lynda Carter, famed for playing Wonder Woman in the 1970s TV series of the same name, has taken down conspiracy-minded, anti-LGBTQ+ Congresswoman Lauren Boebert over the question of drag shows versus church.Īfter Boebert, a Colorado Republican, tweeted that parents should take their kids to church instead of drag shows, Carter clapped back.īoebert is known for many anti-LGBTQ+ comments, including that teachers who include LGBTQ+ content in their lessons are “grooming” kids for abuse and that Tyra Banks’s upcoming show about teen drag queens, Generation Drag, constitutes “grooming” as well.

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